IPI Psychodrama Conferences
2024 - 30th İstanbul Psikodrama Conference: İstanbul, Türkiye. "Dreams and Symbols in Psychodrama."
2023- 29th İstanbul Psychodrama Conference - İstanbul, Türkiye "Magic of Sociometry" Group Dynamics in Psychodrama.
2022- 28th İstanbul Psychodrama Conference-İstanbul Türkiye "Psikodramada Kendilik Rolü" / "The Role of the Self in Psychodrama"
2021 -27th İstanbul Psychodrama Conference-İstanbul Türkiye "Psikodranada TELE" / " TELE in Psychodrama"
2020 -26th İstanbul Psychodrama Conference-İstanbul Türkiye "Psikodrama ve Travma" / " Psychodrama and Trauma"
2019 -25th İstanbul Psychodrama Conference-İstanbul Türkiye "Psikodrama, Beden, Aşk ve Cinciyet Rolleri" / "Psychodrama, Body, Love and Gender Roles"
2018 -24rd IPI International Psychodrama Conference - İstanbul - Türkiye " Psikodramada Farklı Uygulamalar" / "Different Aplications in Psychodrama" Marcia Karp, Deniz Altınay, Jacob Gershoni.
2017 - 23rd IPI International Psychodrama Conference. İstanbul-Türkiye "Sociodrama and Peace" Ron Weinner, Deniz Altınay, Kate Kirk, Di Adderley.
2016 - 22nd IPI International psychodrama Conference. İstanbul-Türkiye "Role in Psychodrama" Deniz Altınay, Marcia Karp, Neşe Karabekir, Kate Kirk.
2015 - 21st IPI International Psychodrama Conference. Nippon Hotel-İstanbul-Türkiye " Sosyometrinin Farklı Yüzleri" /"Different Faces of Sosciometry" Deniz Altınay, Marcia karp, Neşe Karabekir, Eva Fahlstorm.
2014 - 20th IPI International Psychodrama Conference. Nippon Hotel- İstanbul- Türkiye " Psikosomatik Psikodrama ve Kuşaklararası Yansımaları - Psychosomatic Psychodrama and Transgenerational Links " Judith Tezsary
2013 - 19th IPI International Psychodrama Conference, Nippon Hotel- İstanbul- Türkiye " Kuşaklararası Psikodrama - Transgenerational Psychodrama" Jacob Gershoni
2012 18th IPI Internatıonal Summer Conference: Sexuality and Psychodrama; Yours, Mine and Theirs- Marcia Karp
2011 17th IPI Internatıonal Summer Conference: Integrating Objet Relations Theory Attachment, Theory and Psychodrama- Paul Holmes
2010 16th IPI Internatıonal Summer Conference: ‘Am I nothıng or am I Something: Moreno’s Concept of God Head’ Marcia Karp
2009- 15th IPI International Summer Conference: The Use of Psychodrama in Psychosomatic Disease: Judith Teszary
2008- 14th IPI International Summer Conference: Spontaneity and Creativity in Role Theory: Louise Lipman
2007- 13th IPI International Summer Conference: Systemic Family and Couple Therapy with Psychodrama:Chris Farmer
2006 - 12th IPI International Summer Conference: The Vital Encounter: Anna Chesner;
2005 - 11th IPI International Summer Conference: The Healing Tree: The roots of dramatherapy: Dr. Sue Jennings;
2004 - 10th IPI International Summer Conference: Dr. Monica Zuretti; Psychodrama with Family Trees.
2003 - 9.th IPIInternational Summer Conference: Gong Shu; Psychodrama and Spirituality, Chineese Medicine.
2002 - 8th IPI International Summer Conference: Therapeutic Sociometry Conference : NewYork Sociometric Institute, Bob Siroka, Jakline Siroka, Jacop Gershoni, Louise Lipman
2001 - 7th I.P.I. Internetional Summer Conference: Istanbul-Turkiye, Marcia Karp: This workshop has been directed in Istanbul by Marcia Karp who is the psychodrama pioneer in England.
2000 - 6th IPI International Summer Conference ; Kemer-Turkiye, Zerka Moreno who is the living psychodrama legend in the world directed 4 days workshop with 100 trainees. Our this year graduated trainees were also given their diplomas by IPI signed by Zerka Moreno.
1999 - 5th IPI International Summer Conference ; Tekirova-Turkiye, David Kipper who is the ex-president of ASGP ,is the Psychology Professor in Roosevelt University at the moment.He is also the director of International Psychodrama Department of IAGP and chef editor for the Psychodrama and Sociometry Magazine.
1998 - 4th IPI International Summer Conference ; Marmaris-Turkiye, Elaine Sachnoff who is the member of ASGPP and the founder of Oasis Psychodrama Training Institute.
1997 - 3rd. IPI International Summer Conference ; La Caruna-Spain, Marisol Filgueira Bouza (President of Spanish Psychodrama Association) and Deniz Altınay (President of Istanbul Psychodrama Institute) directed 5 days residential psychodrama group work with the participation of Turkish and Spanish Psychodrama Trainees in La Carona near the ocean. Psychodrama Trainees from those countries did have a chance to experience psychodrama groups with other country’s trainer. Cross-cultural experiences were shared in psychodramatic way.
1996 - 2nd. IPI International Summer Conference ; Capodoccia-Turkiye, Marisol Filgueira Bouza; Marisol who is the president of Spanish Psychodrama Association , directed 4 days residential work about family relations and superstitious believes.
1996- 1st AGI International Summer Conference : Bodrum - Turkiye, Kate Kirk, BPA Psychodrama Assc. Psychodrama and Applications.